5 Handy Tips For Parents to Cope-Up With Examination Pressure

Examination Pressure

Education and academics are topics discussed in Indian households. When the exam period rolls around, the atmosphere at home intensifies around these topics, causing excitement and nervousness.

Examination Pressure

Examinations are a competitive assessment of knowledge, memory retention, and performance. It is a period that not only affects students but parents too. BIC Cello’s ‘Write to Win’ initiative, aims to promote a healthy attitude towards learning and education.

While the program is designed to train students to develop handwriting skills and manage exam-led stress, it also guides parents with effective techniques to collectively combat examination pressure. Also Read – 5 Essential Tips For Students Dealing With Stress During Board Exams 2021

Here are some easy tips for parents to implement that will help ease off the excessive strain by Eirini Petratou, Senior User Research Manager, BIC World. Also Read – Tips to Cope-Up With Exam Stress For Children And Parents

Positive Demeanor:

As parents, it’s easy to get rattled by examination pressure, but don’t let exam stress get the better of you. Focus on maintaining an optimistic and confident demeanor that is encouraging to your child. Your calm and relaxed manner will immediately lighten the emotional load. It’s natural to have expectations of your child, but always be mindful that these expectations shouldn’t transcend undue pressure. Also Read – CBSE Recruitment 2021: Admit Card For Assistant Secretary And Analyst Interview Released

Avoid Comparisons:

Most parents tend to draw comparisons that can be demotivating for children. Focus on giving constructive feedback and set realistic targets that will help your child improve his/her performance. Children must believe that their parents are supporting them during this difficult period.

Holistic Nutrition:

During exam days, a student’s nutrition gets affected as they tend to indulge in multiple cups of coffee, junk food, and chocolate to stay awake for late-night studies. It’s important to map your child’s nutrition intake and include healthy nuts, fresh fruits, proteins, and green vegetables as part of their diet. A nutritious diet will ensure the child stays healthy, has improved concentration, and gives his/her best during exams.

Practice Writing:

Parents must ensure their children are regularly practicing the art of penmanship. It is often observed that most children end up with an incomplete answer sheet purely because of poor writing speed. Parents must pay attention to factors such as choosing the correct writing instrument, checking the grip and circumference of the pen, and overall writing comfort. Sometimes not holding the pen correctly could also impact the speed of writing. Text legibility and speed of writing are also impacted by handwriting ergonomics, such as body posture and arm position.

Frequent Breaks:

Studying continuously without breaks can be very strenuous as it tends to tire out the brain and reduces the ability to retain information. Taking frequent breaks and performing light exercises can refresh the mind and help improve learning and recall. A power nap or indulging in a hobby will also serve as a mood enhancer that will help improve memory and learning.
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Parents must understand that examinations are a metric to gauge a student’s aptitude and skill in terms of knowledge, memory, and learning ability. A balanced approach and a positive outlook towards exams will ensure that the students are not overburdened with unnecessary expectations and can enjoy the process of self-evaluation that will help them enhance their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.


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