CBSE Board Issues Clarification Regarding Class X And XII Exams


The old notification dated April 1, 2020, claimed that the board has introduced multiple changes in the format of the conduction and schedule of the upcoming board exams.

CBSE Board Exam 2021: After an old circular of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) went viral on social media, the board issued a clarification asking class X and XII students ‘not to be misled’. “There are some persons deliberately trying to create confusion about board exams by circulating old news of 1.4.20 regarding X and XII exams. students should ignore this old circular of last year and not be misled”, tweeted the CBSE after notification from April 2020 started doing rounds on social media, confusing candidates.

Also, Read – CBSE Board Exam 2021: CBSE Asks Schools to Reconduct Practical Exams For COVID Positive Students Before June 11

The old notification dated April 1, 2020, claimed that the board has introduced multiple changes in the format of the conduction and schedule of the upcoming board exams. The circular that is going viral on social media claimed that the central board would be conducting exams only for 29 main subjects from April 2020, a claim dismissed by the CBSE. The board has clearly stated that it would conduct Class 10, 12 Board Exams 2021 from May 4 and no changes have been made so far.



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