ICSE Class 10 Board 2021: Final Evaluation Criteria For Cancelled Class 10 Expected Soon


ICSE Class 10 Board 2021: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will release the final evaluation criteria or marking criteria for the students of class 10 soon. The authorities have asked schools to submit the average marks that ICSE students had secured in the internal examination of class 9 and 10 in each subject so that the assessment criterion for preparing the results of the class 10 students can be formulated.

ICSE Class 10 Board 2021

As per the official statement, CISCE will declare the class 10 results based on a “fair and unbiased criterion”. The criterion on which basis the results will be declared for the ICSE (Class 10) students will be announced by the Council.

Statement of Gerry Arathoon, Secretary and Chief Executive of the CISCE

He said, “We have asked them [schools] to give us two types of marks – average marks of Class 9 and the average marks of Class 10. These children were in Class 9 last year, so their average marks then and this year for all the exams, unit tests – whatever they’ve had – throughout the year.” He further added, “After we receive it, then we’ll do an analysis and then I can announce to the public what exactly we are going to do. Let us first see what data the schools give.”

Earlier, CISCE has cancelled the ICSE class 10 exams due to increasing COVID-19 cases in the country. Not only the ICSE board but CBSE as well have cancelled the exams for the students of class 10. Meanwhile, CBSE has announced the assessment criteria for the cancelled class 10 board exams.


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