PSEB 10th Result 2021 Announced by Punjab Board, Overall Pass Percentage at 99.93%


PSEB 10th Result 2021 Announced: As per the latest update, the Punjab Class 10 Result 2021 has been declared today by the Punjab School Examination Board (PSEB) during late afternoon hours. The announcement of PSEB Matric Result 2021 comes amid requests from the students about the declaration of the result following the suspension of the Class 10 Board Exams in the light of 2nd Wave of COVID-19 pandemic.

PSEB 10th Result 2021 Announced by Punjab Board, Overall Pass Percentage at 99.93%

PSEB Chairman Yograj Sharma formally declared the Punjab 10th Result 2021 for the Matric students via a zoom call as per media reports. During the virtual announcement, Mr Sharma noted that for Class 10 students, the overall pass percentage stood at 99.93%. As of now the board has only formally declared the results, but haven’t made it available to the students. Soon, PSEB Class 10 Result 2021 will be announced and made available to the students as individual scorecards via website.

Check PSEB 10th Result 2021 Declared – Direct Link (Available Soon)

Punjab 8th and 10th Result 2021 – Key Statistical Highlights

Along with announcing the PSEB Class 10 and 8 Results 2021 for the cancelled board exams, the state board has also released some key highlights for the same. According to the statistical highlights released by the board, the overall pass percentage for Matric i.e. Class 10 Result stood at 99.93% while the same for Class 8 students was reported at 99.87%. Other highlights are mentioned below:

PSEB 10th Result 2021

Overall Pass Percentage: 99.93%
Total Number of Students Appeared: 321384
Total Number of Passed Students: 321161

PSEB 8th Result 2021

Overall Pass Percentage: 99.87%
Total Number of Students Appeared: 307272
Total Number of Passed Students: 306893

Improvement Exams to be held After 2 Months

With the PSEB 10th Result 2021 and Punjab Class 8 Results 2021 Declared today, the board has also made provisions to support students who have got compartmental results. Such students would be provided a second chance to clear the exam in the form of improvement exams which would be held after a period of two months, once the pandemic situation improves.


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