INI CET 2021 Exam: As per the latest update, 26 doctors have filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking postponement of the Institutes of National Importance Combined Entrance Test 2021 (INI CET). All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) scheduled INI CET entrance exam to be conducted on 16th June. According to the plea submitted by the doctors state that, the exams have been scheduled on a very short date and at a time when doctors are busy with the front line duties amidst the health emergency due to COVID-19.
Postponement of AIIMS INI CET 2021
Raising concerns over safety as well as the fact that many have been unable to take out time for study or revision, have been raised in the petition. As many as 80,000 doctors have registered for the PG examinations. Many doctors, who are employed for frontline COVID care have raised concerns over appearing for the examination at the moment.
About the Petition Filed to the Supreme Court
The petition states, “The main ground for filing this writ petition is for challenging the preponement of the INI CET Examination, 2021 which is scheduled to be conducted by All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) on 16th June, 2021, in utter disregard to the assurance with respect to postponing PG Examinations, given by the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Office while postponing the NEETPG Examination, 2021 by four months.”
It further states, “It was also stated that the students will be given at least one month in order to prepare for the said examination. Also, medical personnel completing 100 days of COVID duty will be given Prime Minister’s COVID National Service Samman and also a priority in government recruitment.”
However, there is no notice from AIIMS in regards to any change in the schedule. As per the official notice, INICET 2021 admit card are scheduled to release on 9th June. The exam in online CBT format is scheduled for 16th June 2021.
About INI CET 2021
The Institutes of National Importance Combined Entrance Test 2021 (INI CET) is held for admission to postgraduate courses in leading government medical institutes in the country including AIIMS, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) Puducherry, and National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bengaluru.