Assam 10th and 12th Exam 2021: HSLC / Class 10 and HS / Class 12 Dates to be Finalized after 25th May


Assam 10th and 12th Exam Dates 2021 Soon: As per the latest update, the Assam State Government is likely to announce the revised schedule for SEBA HSLC Exam 2021 for Class 10 students and AHSEC HS Exam 2021 for Class 12 students soon. Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu announced that the new schedule of Assam Class 10 and Class 12 2021 would be announced by 25th May 2021. According to the announcement made, the students may get the option of appearing for only three subjects. The minister also mentioned the government’s decision to digitize all the textbooks for the schools.

Assam 10th and 12th Exam 2021: HSLC / Class 10 and HS / Class 12 Dates to be Finalized after 25th May

15-day notice from Health Department

The Assam Education Minister also visited the Assam Textbook Production and Publication Corporation stating that the department is ready to conduct the board exams with a 15-day notice from the state health department. He stated that if the health department allows conducting the exams with the guidelines the education department will be able to conduct the exams at a 15 days notice from the health department. The co-operation of the parents and students has also been urged by the department to prepare the students for the exams and conduct the same as soon as the situation improves.

Proposal for conducting 3 subject exams

The minister has also mentioned that a proposal for conducting exams with three papers instead of the traditional six paper exams has been submitted which is being considered. The candidates usually appear for six papers and since the COVID-19 situation is not expected to improve completely, the proposal to consider candidates appearing for three exams is being considered to reduce the exam schedule. If the proposal is expected the entire exam will be completed within 10-12 days.

CBSE Class 10 Result 2021: Marking Policy

As per the new marking scheme, the overall marks will be calculated for a total of 100 marks. Of which, 80 marks will be allotted for board exams and 20 marks are for internal assessments. The assessment of 80 marks will be done based on marks scored in periodic test/ unit test, half-yearly exams, and pre-board exams. Schools have to upload the marks of internal assessment by 11th June 2021.


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