Assam Board class 10 and 12 Exams Postponed


Assam Board class 10 and 12 Exams Postponed: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council and the Board of Secondary Education, Assam have postponed the Assam board class 10 and 12 examinations. As per the schedule released earlier, the Assam Board class 10 and 12 examinations were scheduled to be conducted from May 11, 2021.

Assam Board class 10 and 12 Exams PostponedThe decision to postpone the Assam Board class 10 and 12 examinations were taken by the board officials considering the constant increase in the COVID-19 cases in the state. The Board of Secondary Education and the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council have not yet announced the revised dates for the class 10 and 12 examinations. Candidates who were scheduled to appear for the Class 10 and 12 examinations are advised to keep visiting the official website of the respective boards to check for detailed information regarding the examinations.

Assam is not the only state board to postpone the class 10 and 12 board examinations. Many of the state boards including Punjab, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Telangana have cancelled the class 10 board examinations. The state boards decided to cancel the examinations since the Central Board of Secondary Education and the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education decided to cancel the class 10 examinations due to the increase in the COVID-19 cases in the country.

Evaluation Scheme for class 10 students

The CBSE along with the other boards have released an assessment pattern for the boards to evaluate and promote the students to class 11. The assessment will be based on objective criteria created for the smooth evaluation of the students. Students in class 10 are hence advised to keep visiting the official website for details related to the examination and the assessment process.


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