BCI Announces Revised Dates for AIBE XVI (16)


AIBE 2021 Examination: The Bar Council of India (BCI) has released the revised exam dates and other dates for AIBE XVI (16) 2021. As per the revised dates, the All India Bar Examination XVI (16) 2021 will be conducted on 30th May 2021. Also, interested candidates can register for AIBE XVI (16) 2021 till 30th April whereas the last date to fill and submit the form is 7th May. BCI Announces Revised Dates for AIBE XVI (16) at allindiabarexamination.com

Earlier, the exam was scheduled to be held on 25th April 2021. The notice released on the official website stated that the council reserves the right to extend the AIBE XVI (16) date in case of inevitable circumstances.
AIBE 2021 Examination: Revised Schedule

As per the revised schedule of AIBE XVI (16) 2021, the candidates can register by 30th April. The last date of payment of application fees is 4th May whereas the last date for completion of the online form is 7th May 2021. The admit card for AIBE XVI (16) will be released on 12th May in online mode. The examination will be conducted on 30th May 2021.

The exam timings will be released along with the admit card. Also, the application form of AIBE XVI (16) 2021 was released on 26th December 2020, at allindiabarexamination.com. Earlier, the exam was scheduled to be held on 21st March 2021. However, the exam was then postponed to 25th April and now it has been pushed to 30th March.

How to register for AIBE XVI (16) 2021?

As the dates have been extended, candidates can register now till 30th April. To fill the form they will have to visit the official website. Follow the simple steps provided below to fill in the application form of AIBE XVI (16) 2021 –

Step 1 – Go to the official website of AIBE – allindiabarexamination.com.
Step 2 – Click on the ‘Registration XVI’ button available on the website.
Step 3 – A new page will appear on the screen.
Step 4 – Enter the enrollment number and year of enrollment.
Step 5 – Now, fill in the required details.
Step 6 – Pay the application fees and submit the form.

About AIBE:

The Bar Council of India (BCI) conducts AIBE to set a minimum benchmark for admission to the practice of law. Those who qualify in the AIBE exam will be issued a Certificate of Practice (COP), which is an eligibility certificate to practice law in courts in India.


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