Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Exam 2021 Registration Begins Monday.


Candidates who have failed in one or two subjects in the BSEB intermediate examination 2021 are eligible to fill the form for the compartmental examination.

BSEB Inter Compartmental Exam 2021: The online form to appear in the Bihar School Examination Board Intermediate compartmental cum special examination 2021 can be filled between April 5 and April 10, 2021, said BSEB on Saturday. In a press statement issued, BSEB Chairperson Anand Kishor informed that the examination form for appearing in the Intermediate compartmental cum special examination 2021 has to be filled online by the head of the educational institution on the official website – between April 5-10.

Candidates who have failed in one or two subjects in the BSEB intermediate examination 2021 are eligible to fill the form for the compartmental examination. These candidates will not be required to again appear in the practical examination separately. However, candidates who have not appeared in the practical examinations held in 2021 will not be eligible to appear in the compartmental examinations either.

Also, candidates of BSEB intermediate exam 2020 who have failed in one or two subjects, will get a second chance to sit in this compartmental examination and fill the

form. If any candidate has failed in either part of NRB and MB subject (50+50= 100 marks), then it is compulsory for him to appear in both the parts (NRB and MB). Practical exams will not be conducted for candidates of this category and the marks obtained by them in 2020 practical exams will be carried forward.

The press statement issued on Saturday also gives clarity on candidates appearing from special exams and other categories in the BSEB Intermediate compartmental cum special examination 2021. The notification also talks about the number of examination fees to be paid by candidates belonging to different categories. Candidates are advised to visit the board’s official website to check out the same.


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