CBSE Issues Self Quality Assessment Guidelines for Affiliated Schools. Notice Inside

CBSE Issues Self Quality Assessment Guidelines for Affiliated Schools. Notice Inside

CBSE Issues Self Quality Assessment Guidelines for Affiliated Schools. Notice Inside

CBSE Issues Self Quality Assessment Guidelines for Affiliated Schools. Notice Inside

CBSE Board News: All the affiliated schools should undertake self-assessment on SQAA Portal every year between April 1 to December 31.

CBSE Board Exams 2023: In order to catalyse transformational change in its affiliated schools, the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) on Friday released a circular regarding the mandatory prior self-assessment against the School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA) framework for acceptance of applications for new affiliations/switch over upgradation/ extension for the session 2024-25 and onwards on SARAS portal. One can check the detailed notification by visiting the official website of the Board at

The SQAA Framework will enable schools to work towards whole-school transformation in alignment with NEP 2020 and develop a culture of constant self-reflection, collaboration, innovation, and accountability.

All the affiliated schools should undertake self-assessment on SQAA Portal every year between April 1 to December 31. “It is hereby informed that all schools applying for Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/Extension beyond April 2023 shall have to mandatorily submit the selfassessment under SQAA. Applications under SARAS shall be processed only after the school has completed Self-Assessment against the Framework on the CBSE SQAA Portal,” CBSE in an official notification said.
CBSE News: Modalities for Submission of Applications for Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/Extension by schools

Process for getting Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/ Extension: According to the notice, the SARAS portal would be accepting applications for Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/Extension for the session 2024-25. The schools would be required to complete a self-assessment on SQAA Portal and then submit application for Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/Extension on the SARAS Portal on or before the last day of receipt of applications on SARAS.

Undertaking Self-Assessment: The schools can undertake self-assessment against the SQAA Framework on the CBSE SQAA Portal on the CBSE website.
Validity of Self-Assessment on SQAA Portal: The self-assessment submitted by the school on the SQAA Portal would be valid for a period of 1 year. All the affiliated schools should undertake self-assessment on SQAA Portal. If validity has expired at time of submission of application for Fresh Affiliation/Switch Over/Upgradation/Extension, the school will have to undertake self-assessment again on the SQAA Portal to fulfil mandatory requirements.
Requirement of Supporting Documents as per SQAA Framework for Self-Assessment: The schools will not be required to upload supporting documents against the standards while undertaking self-assessment on SQAA Portal. However, the schools are advised to keep a record of the supporting documents at their end. For more details, check the official notice shared below.

CBSE Notice PDF: Direct Link

Schools are advised to go through the SQAA Framework available on the CBSE website for undertaking self-assessment to review their dimensions of quality and excellence across different domains.


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