CBSE orders school to update the list of teachers in Online Affiliated School Information System


CBSE Practical Exams 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has ordered the schools affiliated to the board to update the number of teachers available as examiners in the Online Affiliated School Information System (OASIS). The authorities have activated the OASIS link from 5th April. The last date to update the OASIS is 10th April.

CBSE has observed a shortage of examiners for class 12th practical examinations and ordered the same. The board also noticed that many schools have not uploaded the complete list of teachers to CBSE OASIS.
What action can be taken if the schools do not update the list?

The CBSE-affiliated schools are advised to fill the list on or before the deadline. In case they fail to do so, the following action can be taken on them by the officials –
CBSE will take the necessary action as per Affiliation By-Laws and Examination Bye-Laws.
A personal penalty of Rs. 50,000 will be imposed on the principal of the school.
CBSE will not declare the board’s result.
Practical conducted by an examiner and not appointed by the CBSE will be canceled. The board will re-conduct the practical of these candidates under its supervision.

Circular Released by CBSE

As per the circular released by CBSE on 3rd April, the authorities informed ”All the principals are directed to update teachers’ data in the OASIS within schedule. CBSE will compare both the data before updating and after updation.” CBSE also stated that non-compliance of instructions will invite actions such as non-declaration of board results for the school, “a personal penalty of Rs 50,000 on the principal” of the respective school.

CBSE has also ordered the schools to conduct practical exams without an external examiner appointed by the board. Earlier, the CBSE class 12th practical examination was scheduled to be conducted from 1st March to 11th June and evaluations for classes 10th and 12th will commence from 7th May.


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