Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Part 2 Ullu Web Series (2021) Full Episode: Watch Online

Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Part 2 Ullu

Watch Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Part 2 Full Episode: The sequel of the latest Charmsukh series is currently streaming on the ullu app. The series features Mahi Kaur, Rachel, and Sharad Ghore in the main roles.

All the episodes of Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta web series Part 2 were released on 01 October 2021 (Friday).

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WATCH Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Part 1

Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Part 1 & 2 download link was made available on some illegal websites like aagmaal, nuefliks, and more.

Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Web Series Cast

Here is the main cast list of the latest Ullu web series Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta,

Mahi Kaur
Sharad Gore

Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta Web Series Full Details

Here are the complete details on Yeh Kaisa Rishta 2 Ullu web series 2021,

Name: Charmsukh Yeh Kaisa Rishta (2021)
Part: 2
Type: Web Series
Online Video Platform: ULLU
Language: Hindi
Streaming Date: 1 October 2021

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