Guide for Shy Students to Become More Confident in Life


Guide for Shy Students to Become More Confident in Life: Shyness can hold people back, partly because those who are shy tend to avoid public situations and speak up and partly because they experience so much chronic anxiety. Being shy is not necessarily a problem.

It’s perfectly ok to take time to warm up to new people and situations. But shy students often are not as comfortable or sociable as they’d like to be. Some shy students want to feel less shy, so they will have more fun socialising and being themselves around others. Here are the guidelines by top academic experts to be confident in life:

Guidelines for Shy Students:

Start Small With People You Know:

Practice social behaviours like eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small talk, asking questions, and invitations with the people you feel most comfortable around. Shy students need to smile and build their confidence this way. Then branch out to do this with new friends, too.

Consider Some Conversation Starters:

The most challenging part of talking to someone new is getting started. Shy students can use conversation openers, like introducing themselves (“Hi, I’m Chris, we’re in the same English class”), giving a compliment (“that jacket looks great on you”), or asking a question (“do you know when our report is due?”). Being ready with a conversation starter (or a few) makes it easier to approach someone.

Rehearse What To Say:

When you’re ready to try something you’ve been avoiding because of shyness, like a phone call or a conversation, write down what you want to say beforehand. Shy students need to rehearse it aloud, maybe even in front of the mirror. Then do it. Don’t worry if it’s not exactly like you practised or if it’s not perfect. Few of the things more confident people do are often not perfect either. Be proud that you gave it a go. Next time, it’ll be even better because it will be easier.

Give Yourself An Opportunity:

Shy students need to find group activities like writing a group dissertation where they can be with people who share their interests. Allow yourself to practice socialising with these new people and get to know them slowly. Shy students often worry about failing or how others can judge them. Worries and feelings like these will keep you from trying. If self-criticism plays a role for you, ask yourself whether you’d be this critical of your best friend. Chances are you’d be much more accepting. So, treat yourself like your own best friend. Encourage yourself instead of expecting to fail.

Develop Your Assertiveness:

Because shy people can be overly concerned with other people’s reactions, they don’t want to rock the boat. That doesn’t mean they’re wimpy or cowardly. But it can mean they are less likely to be assertive. Being assertive means speaking up for yourself when you should, asking for what you want or need, or telling other people when they’re stepping on your toes.

Know Your Strengths:

Make a list of all your positive qualities. Enlist a friend or family member to assist if needed. Read or recite it when you’re feeling insecure. Let it remind you how much you have to offer.

Select Relationships Carefully:

Shy people tend to have fewer but deeper friendships, which means your choice of friend or partner is even more important. Give proper time to the people in your life who are responsive, warm, and encouraging.

Avoid Bullies And Teasers:

There are always a few people willing to be cruel or sarcastic just for fun. They often have no sense of what’s appropriate and don’t care whom they hurt. Keep a healthy distance from these people.

Oversee Your Surroundings:

Most of us are hard on ourselves but try to analyse others. You may find that other people are suffering from their symptoms of insecurity, and you are not alone.

Remember That One Bad Moment Doesn’t Mean A Bad Day:

Especially when you spend plenty of your time inside your head, it is easy to distort experiences. Suppose that you believe that your shyness ruined an entire event. Chances are it wasn’t a big deal to anyone but you.

Control Your Imagination:

Shy people sometimes feel disapproval or rejection even when it isn’t there. People probably like you much more than you give yourself credit for.

Stare It Down:

Sometimes, the best thing is to face it head-on when you are afraid. Get yourself out there and face your fears.

List Your Problems:

Make a list of all your worries and triggers. Name them, plan how you’re going to eliminate them, and move forward.


Shy students, because of their shyness, should not be kept from the success they seek. Try these simple tips and make them work for you. They are good techniques to overcome your shyness.


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