ICAI CA Final / Inter Exams 2021 Postponed


ICAI CA Final / Inter Exams 2021 Postponed: As per the latest update, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has decided to postpone the upcoming CA Final Exams 2021 and CA Intermediate Exams 2021 which were scheduled to be held on 21st / 22nd May 2021. The decision to postpone the upcoming ICAI CA Exam 2021 for the May session has been taken keeping in mind the deteriorating situation around the Coronavirus pandemic in the country.

ICAI CA Final / Inter Exams 2021 PostponedWith the postponement, the Institute has announced that new dates for ICAI CA May Exam 2021 will be announced with a 25-day prior notice to all the students.

News Confirmed on TwitterWith rumors and speculation about the postponement of exams being rampant on social media, the Institute choose to publish the information bout postponement of the ICAI CA May Exam 2021 online on the social media platform Twitter. In a tweet sent out from its official account, the institute noted “Important Announcement regarding Postponement of the ICAI Chartered Accountants Examinations – Final & Intermediate Course which are scheduled to be held in May 2021 in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

New Dates after reviewing COVID-19 situation

With the exam postponed, for now, many CA Aspirants have raised questions about revised dates so that they can start preparing for the upcoming exams accordingly. In this regard, the ICAI has said that revised dates for CA Final and Inter Exams 2021 would be announced only after a thorough review of the COVID-19 situation later on. Furthermore, the institute has also informed students that to avoid any confusion, the institute will announce ICAI CA Final and Inter Exam 2021 dates with a 25-day prior notice for the students. In the meanwhile, students have been asked to stay tuned to the official website of the institute i.e. icai.org, for the latest news and updates related to CA May 2021 Exams.


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