IIT Kharagpur: Total Campus To be Closed till 23 May


IIT Kharagpur: On Thursday Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur announced that the college offices will remain closed till 23rd May in the wake of the rising COVID-19 cases. However, the essential services will be provided but no work will be done from the campus. The registrar Tamal Nath on Wednesday directed research scholars who were staying in the hostels to leave for home due to limited space for isolation facilities and treatment.

IIT Kharagpur: Total Campus To be Closed till 23 MayAlso, the online classes will continue since it is not known for how long the pandemic will continue. Now that most of the employees reside on campus, the movement of those residing outside will be restricted from Friday. Shops on the campus selling essential commodities will be allowed to open for a specified period as per the state government’s directive.

Statement of Registrar Tamal Nath

As per his statement, “We have decided to shut down non-essential offices on the campus from Friday till May 23, and the staff will be working from home. This will be the same as online classes being held for the students.” Also, the essential services staff will continue to work on the campus, following all COVID protocols. He further added, “Our campus is not located outside West Bengal or India. So, whatever happens in the state and the country, it is bound to be reflected on our campus,” Nath said on the COVID situation at the IIT campus. “However, IIT-Kharagpur has adopted every possible step and kept the situation under control.”

IIT Kharagpur COVID-19 Facilities

As per Registrar Tamal Nath, “Nothing is sufficient in this pandemic situation,” said Nath while discussing how the campus is preparing itself to support those who test positive. “We have a small hospital here on campus. We have identified some rooms and are keeping them ready in our guesthouse to be used for isolation purposes. We already started with 40 rooms in the guest house and hostels we have here. We are making another 30 rooms ready for ourselves.”
Other IIT Campus

Earlier, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi had allowed students to head home in March. IIT Roorkee had also asked its students and staff to return home after a sudden surge in the number of cases. In IIT Jodhpur has had over 260 cases on campus since February 2021.


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