Karnataka education minister states conducting Karnataka PUC Board Exam 2021 necessary

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Karnataka PUC Exams 2021: Karnataka State Education Minister Suresh Kumar in a recently conducted meeting has stated that it is necessary to conduct the Karnataka PUC board exams 2021. He further added that an appropriate decision on the class 12 exams will be taken in a few days considering the different aspects and the suggestions of the centre.Karnataka education minister states conducting Karnataka PUC Board Exam 2021 necessary

The Karnataka state government announced the postponement of the Karnataka PUC Board Exam 2021 which was scheduled to commence from May 24, 2021. According to the reports from a local daily, the Karnataka state education minister mentioned that the board exams will be conducted by simplifying the process after COVID-19 is brought under control in the state. He further stated that conducting the Karnataka PUC exams is an appropriate step for the future of the students.

Class 12 exams needed for professional entrance exams

The Karnataka education minister was part of the meeting conducted by the Union Education Minister conducted on May 23, 2021. The minister suggested the need to conduct exams for the class 12 students in a way as they will be preparing for professional courses. He further pointed out that in case PUC exams start in July it will be possible to announce the results within a month so that the NEET, JEE, CT, ICAI, and other competitive exams are conducted which is why a decision must be taken appropriately by considering the situation.

Karnataka has earlier conducted the class 10 exams in the previous year and considering this it will not be a significant issue to conduct the class 12 exams this year. A decision on the board exams will be taken in the coming days and the students will be notified of the exams at least 20 days prior to the commencement of the Karnataka PUC exams.

The state board also plans to provide an opportunity to students who will be unable to attend the exams due to the COVID-19 pandemic and such students will be given special chances to appear for the Karnataka PUC Board Exams 2021 later.


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