MUHS Exam 2021: COVID-19 SOPs, Guidelines released for Summer, Winter exams


MUHS Semester Exam 2021 Update: The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has released the MUHS Exam 2021 guidelines and COVID-19 SOPs that are to be followed by the students for the upcoming Summer, Winter exams. Students who are going to appear for MUHS Summer / Winter Exams 2021 can check out the detailed COVID-19 guidelines by logging onto the university’s website i.e. The SOPs released by the MUHS will be applicable for the Summer and Winter exams that are scheduled to commence from 20th June 2021 onwards for all the medical students enrolled in different courses offered by the university.

MUHS Exam 2021: COVID-19 SOPs, Guidelines released for Summer, Winter exams

MUHS Semester Exam 2021 – Read SOPs / Guidelines Here

MUHS Semester Exam 2021 – COVID-19 Guidelines and SOPs

State / Central Govt Guidelines to be Applicable: As per the details shared by the university, all the COVID-19 guidelines and SOPs issued by the Central and State governments that are applicable for opeartions of educational institutions and safety and health of the students would be applicable.
Additional Guidelines by the University: Keeping in mind the local situation around the pandemic, the university is also empowered to develop its own provisions and guidelines for holding the exam as needed.
Masks, Gloves Mandatory: The MUHS COVID-19 guidelines have made use of face masks and gloves by all exam functionaries mandatory following staff verification.
Hygiene Guidelines: The exam conducting agency has been directed to ensure Cleanliness and hygienic condition as per safety and health advisories of concerned government departments.
Aarogya Setu App: Downloading of Aarogya Setu app may be advised for every staff and students of University and colleges
Thermal Screening: Thermal screening of students wearing face marks sanitizing of hands etc to be insured.
Admit Cards as ePass: In case any locality is under lockdown restrictions, the hall ticket or admit card of the students would be treated as epass to allow pass of movement for students during the exam days.


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