NATA 2021 Phase 2 Dates Announced


NATA 2021 Phase 2 Exam: The Council of Architecture (CoA) has released the revised NATA 2021 other important dates for the phase 2 exam. Earlier, the authorities released the NATA phase 2 exam date which has been scheduled to be held on 11th July. The decision to postpone the NATA 2021 second test was made because of the upsurge in the ongoing COVID-19 cases. Now, the complete schedule for NATA 2021 second test has been released at the official website –

NATA 2021 Phase 2 Important Dates

As per the important dates, the last date to submit NATA application form 2021 for phase 2 is 30th June. Also, candidates will be able to upload images, pay the NATA form 2021 fee and download the confirmation page till 30th June only. The application correction facility will be available for the second attempt from 20th to 30th June till 11:59 pm. The admit card for NATA phase 2 will be released on 7th July in online mode. The entrance exam will be held on 11th July whereas the result will be announced on 15th July at the official website.

NATA 2021 First Test

Earlier, COA conducted the NATA 2021 first test on 10th April by following all the COVID-19 guidelines. The National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2021 phase 1 was held at 196 designated test centres across India and also at Dubai, Qatar, Omen and Kuwait. The authorities also released the result on 20th April. Considering the COVID-19 situation across the country, the authorities reduced the NATA 2021 qualifying marks from 75 to 70.

About NATA

The Council of Architecture conducts the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) for admissions to BArch programmes. The exam is conducted twice a year and candidates have the option to appear for one or both attempts. All the qualified candidates will be eligible for BArch admission into NATA participating institutes. The authorities have relaxed the NATA 2021 eligibility criteria of obtaining at least 50% marks in class 12 or 10+3 diploma for taking the BArch admission to just passing the board level exams this year.


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