Odisha Universities, Degree Colleges to resume Online Classes from 1st June


Odisha Universities to Resume Online Classes: As per the latest update, the Higher Education Department of the Odisha government has directed Universities and Degree colleges based in states to resume online classes for students starting from 1st June 2021 onwards. The decision comes as the summer vacation announced for College and University students comes to an end on Monday and online classes for these students would be resumed thereafter. The summer vacation for college students was announced from 5th May 2021 onwards and is to continue until 31st May 2021.

Odisha Universities, Degree Colleges to resume Online Classes from 1st June

No Physical Classes, Hostels Closed

On similar lines, the state education department has also noted that keeping in mind the COVID-19 situation currently, it is best that physical classes on campus remain suspended until further notice. On similar lines, the education dept has also directed all residential facilities such as hostels to remain closed in the state for now. The official order in this regards reads that “Physical classroom teaching shall not commence now. Hostels will remain closed till further order.”

Exam Dates to be Announced Soon

While universities and colleges have been asked to commence online classes for all the students, so far dates for the upcoming semester exams are yet to be announced. The Odisha Higher Education Department on Saturday noted that the schedule of examination will be communicated soon after getting information about UGC’s decision. In all likelihood, the university and college exams would be held only by June end or early July as per media reports. Final dates for Odisha College Exams would be notified only after online classes and administrative work in the colleges resume.


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