Osmania University has announced the summer vacation for affiliated colleges until May 31


Osmania University has announced the summer vacation for affiliated colleges until May 31: According to the notification issued by Osmania University, the summer vacations have been announced for the affiliated colleges. According to the dates provided in the notification, the summer vacations commenced on May 5, 2021, and will continue until May 31, 2021. The summer vacations have been declared due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation in the state. As per the dates provided, the affiliated colleges will reopen after the summer vacation on June 1, 2021.

Osmania University has announced the summer vacation for affiliated colleges until May 31

The summer vacation have been declared by Osmania University for its campus, constituent, and district PG colleges along with the affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of the university. According to the schedule released the summer vacations are applicable for all the colleges.

Online classes and exams for the colleges will remain suspended during the summer vacation according to the official notification released.

Osmania University Summer Vacation – Official notification

Universities across the country including the IITs have declared an early summer vacation for the students considering the COVID-19 situation. The decision has been taken considering the pandemic and ensuring the safety of the students.

Early Summer Vacations Announced

The schools and colleges across the country have closed earlier with the respective universities making it clear that the teachers may be called to the schools or colleges if necessary and the leaves will be sorted by the management. The schools and colleges have been announcing early summer vacations keeping in mind the situation and ensuring the safety of the students.

Schools and colleges have also postponed the class 10 and 12 examinations. While the class 10 exams have been cancelled by a few of the boards, the class 12 exams have been postponed until further notice.


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