TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations to Begin from 24th May, Apply for Telangana Polytechnic Exam at polycetts.nic.in

TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations to Begin from 24th May, Apply for Telangana Polytechnic Exam at polycetts.nic.in

TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations to Begin from 24th May, Apply for Telangana Polytechnic Exam at polycetts.nic.in: TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations Date Announced: As per the latest update, the State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET), Telangana has announced the registration commencement date for TS POLYCET 2021.

TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations to Begin from 24th May, Apply for Telangana Polytechnic Exam at polycetts.nic.in

Aspirants will be able to register for Telangana Polytechnic Exam from 24th May onwards. Earlier, the application form for TS POLYCET 2021 Registrations was to be released from 1st May 2021 onwards, but it has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From 24th May onwards, candidates will be able to complete the registration process by logging onto the exam portal at polycetts.nic.in.

Telangana POLYCET 2021 – Important Dates

According to the schedule announced now, the TS POLYCET 2021 registration process without any late fees will start from 24th May 2021. Students can register for the exam up to 11 June without paying a late fee. Those who pay the late fee can submit forms till June 15. The date of the exam will be announced later. As of now, the board has not announced any specific dates for the Polytechnic Entrance Exam, but is expected to notify the same later on. Earlier, the exam was scheduled to be held from 1st June 2021 onwards, which has now been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Registration Start Date: 24th May 2021
Registrations End without Late Fee: 11th June 2021
Registrations End with Late Fee: 15th June 2021

About TS POLYCET 2021 Exam

The TS POLYCET is held for admission to diploma in Engineering and non-Engineering, Technical courses offered at polytechnic institutions affiliated to the SBTET. The syllabus for the exam will be based on the syllabus for the Senior Secondary classes under the state education board of Telangana. Apart from this, candidates seeking admission to Agricultural diploma courses at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and diploma in Animal Husbandry and Fisheries offered at PV Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University (PVNRTVU) are also required to appear in the exam.


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