UGC Released Public Notice on Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning for Universities


UGC Note on Blended Mode of Teaching: University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a public notice on the implementation of Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning in the universities. The commission had discussed the blended mode of teaching in its 547th meeting. UGC decided that the Higher Education Institutes will be allowed to teach 40% of course online through SWAYAM and 60% through offline mode. As per the UGC public notice, Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning includes a maximum of up to 40% of courses through the online platform SWAYAM. The University Grants Commission has prepared the concept of Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning by constituting an expert committee.

UGC Released Public Notice on Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning for UniversitiesUGC Public Notice on Implementation of Blended Mode of Learning and Teaching

Blended Learning Mode Examination

The examination for both 40% and 60% courses can be conducted offline. However, the examinations for SWAYAM courses are conducted in online mode. The score achieved through SWAYAM courses can be transferred to the credit-based system. The universities can also club both online and offline courses and take the examination in online mode.

Important Features of UGC Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning

Improved student learning outcomes
Enhanced teacher and student interaction
Better opportunities for experiential learning
Enhanced institutional reputation
Time management and flexibility
More amenable for self and continuous learning
More flexible teaching and learning environment
Responsibility for learning
Increased student engagement in learning

Concept Note of UGC Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning Notice

Advantages of UGC Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning

The advantages of Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning for students include increased learning skills, greater access to information, improved satisfaction and learning outcomes, and opportunities both to learn with others and to teach others. This also shifts the teacher’s role from knowledge provider to coach and mentor. UGC Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning combines the best aspects of online learning with direct instruction.

Earlier, UGC Chairman D. P. Singh wrote a letter to the Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Higher Educational Institutions on COVID 19 initiatives. He has asked the heads of the institutions to ensure the welfare of the teachers, students, staff and all the stakeholders. He further said that we all need to work collectively to overcome this crisis. All the stakeholders of the Higher Educational Institutions must address the numerous challenges in terms of physical and mental health, safety and overall wellbeing.


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