UP Board 10th and 12th Exam 2021: Key Meeting to Decide Evaluation Criteria Today


UP Board 10th and 12th Result 2021 Meeting Today: As per the latest update, the UPMSP i.e. Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad will hold an important meeting today i.e. on 7th June 2021 to decide on the evaluation criteria for UP Board High School and Intermediate Exams 2021. During today’s meeting, officials will out the modalities and formula on the basis of which marks will be awarded to UP Board class 10 and 12 students. The meeting is being held with district level officials and will be held virtually. The news about this crucial meeting about UP Board 10th and 12th Result 2021 evaluation formula has been confirmed by Additional Chief Secretary (Secondary Education) Aradhana Shukla on Saturday.

UP Board 10th and 12th Exam 2021: Key Meeting to Decide Evaluation Criteria Today

Suggestions Invited from Students, Parents and Other Stakeholders

The meeting comes following the UPMSP asked all relevant stakeholders to share their opinions and concerns about the evaluation criteria to be followed for the UP Board 10th and 12th Results 2021. Representatives of government schools, unaided schools and private schools, various organisations, along with parents have been told to submit their suggestions with the officials via email. Suggestions can be sent via email on the official email address of the UP Board of Secondary Education.

Evaluation Criteria / Marking Scheme Details

On 3rd June, UP Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma said that Uttar Pradesh Board Exam 2021 has been cancelled and that Class 10 and 12 students. Following this, the state government also said that a committee would be formed an expert committee under additional chief secretary (secondary education) to come up with recommendations on the basis of which formula would be finalised to award marks to students.

UP Board Inter Result 2021 Assessment Formula

Tentatively, the formula for assessment of students has been finalized. As per the proposed formula, Class 12 students would be marked on the basis of average marks obtained by a student in class 10 and 11. If the class 11 marks are not available, the marks obtained in pre-board exams will be considered. For regular and private students of Class 12, for whom class 10 and 11 marks are not available, such students will be promoted with pass certificates only.

UPMSP High School Result 2021 Evaluation Criteria

On the other hand, for class 10, the final marks will be determined on the basis of average of their class 9 marks and pre- board exam marks of class 10. Likewise, those class 10 students whose pre-board and class 9 marks are not available will be promoted with pass certificates only.


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