UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023 Today: Check Shift Timing, Admit Card, Exam Guidelines


UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023 Today: Check Shift Timing, Admit Card, Exam Guidelines

UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023: Candidates need to take a printout of their hall ticket to their respective exam centres otherwise entry will not be allowed.

UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is all set to hold the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Combined Defence Services (CDS) examination on Sunday. Prior to the exam, the Commission has released CDS and NDA admit card for candidates who have successfully completed their registration process. The candidates can check UPSC NDA and CDS exam pattern, shift timings and exam guidelines.

Candidates need to take a printout of their hall ticket to their respective exam centres otherwise entry will not be allowed.

Notably, the UPSC will conduct both the exams today. For the UPSC CDS Exam, the questions will be based on three sections – English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics and for the CDS exam for INA, IMA and AFA, the paper will be for a total of 100 marks. The exam will be held for 2 hours.

The UPSC NDA Exam is being conducted for a total of 900 marks, where 300 marks would be given for Maths and 600 for General Ability Test.
UPSC NDA, CDS Admit Card 2023: Here’s How to Download

Visit the official website at
Go to the admit card tab and select respective examinations
Click on the UPSC CDS or NDA admit card link
Enter the registration number and date of birth or password
Submit the details
The UPSC NDA, CDS admit card 2023 will be displayed on screen
Download admit card and take a printout for future reference.

UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023: Check Shift Timings

The Commission has said the entry gates for CDS and NDA exam will be closed 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
For NDA exam, the reporting time is 9:50 AM for the forenoon session and 1:50 pm for the afternoon session.
For CDS exam – English, the timings are 9 am to 11 am, 12 pm to 2 pm for GK, and 3 pm to 5 pm for Elementary Mathematics

UPSC CDS, NDA 1 Exam 2023: Check Exam Guidelines

Candidates must carry admit card along with identical photograph for each session.
The entry gates will be closed at least 10 minuted before the examination.
Candidates need to bring black Ball Point Pen to the examination hall
Wearing of mask/face cover is mandatory for all candidates.
Mobile phone, pager or any electronic equipment are not allowed inside the examination hall.


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