UPSC Civil Service Interview 2020


UPSC Civil Service Interview Date and Time 2020 Out Download IAS Personality Test PDF, Admit Card Soon

UPSC Civil Service Interview 2020: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the interview schedule for Civil Service 2020 on its website All such candidates qualified for Interview round can check the details schedule on its official website.  As per UPSC Civil Service is starting from 26 April 2021 and will continue till 18 June 2021 in two sessions i.e in the Forenoon at 9 AM and in the Afternoon at 1 PM.

All candidates who are qualified in UPSC Civil Service Mains can check their interview date and time, given against their roll number, on the official website. UPSC Civil Interview PDF Link is also given below.

UPSC IAS Interview Venue – Office of the Union Public Service Commission at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069

UPSC IAS Interview Marks – The interview will be of 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks)


A total of 2046 candidates are qualified in UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020.UPSC Civil Service Interview e-Summon Letters will be soon made available on UPSC websites – &

  1. Considering the current COVID 19 pandemic situation, the Competent Authority has decided to reimburse the lowest ‘to’ and ‘fro’ air fare for traveling by Air India or any other private Airlines to the outstation candidates for attending interviews/ PT boards subject to the following condition:-
  2. Opt for cheapest flight ticket under economy class among the airlines operating in the concerned sector immediately after downloading the e-summon letter;
  3. Book the air tickets either directly from the Airlines (Booking counters, websites) or through the travel agents authorized by Deptt. of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance viz. Ashoka Tours & Travels, Balmer & Lawrie and IRCTC only;
  4. Air Tickets booked through Private travel agents viz. MakeMyTrip, Yatra, Goibibo, Ease My Trip etc. will not be reimbursed;
  5. The nearest airport will be determined on the basis of the address given by the candidates in their Detailed Application Forms (DAFs).
  6.  Bring hard copies of Air Tickets (To & fro journeys) showing the details of air fare alongwith Boarding Pass (For onward journey only) for reimbursement;
  7. Second/ Sleeper class train fare (Mail Express) will be reimbursed if the candidate perform their journey by Rail irrespective of Class in accordance with para 132 of service rule.

UPSC Civil Service Prelims Exam 2020 was held on 04 October and the result was declared on 23 October 2020. Shortlisted candidates were called for mains exam 08 January 2021 to 17 January 2021 and UPSC Civil Service Mains Result was declared on 23rd March 2021.



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