WB Madhyamik and HS Exam 2021: Final Decision Not Today, Likely to be Announced This Week,


WB Madhyamik and HS Exam 2021 Update: As per the latest update, the West Bengal State Government has put off the decision on WB Madhyamik Exam 2021 for Class 10 students and West Bengal HS Exams for Class 12 students. The decision based on the inputs of the expert committee was expected today but now is likely to be announced later this week.

WB Madhyamik and HS Exam 2021: Final Decision Not Today, Likely to be Announced This Week,

West Bengal Board Exams 2021 Committee to be formed

According to media reports, the West Bengal state government has set up an expert committee to review the decision and the committee has been directed to submit a report within 72 hours on the same. The students who completed the registration process for the West Bengal Board examinations will now have to wait for the board to come up with a decision regarding the examinations.

The West Bengal chief minister had earlier announced that the class 12 exams will be conducted by the end of July 2021 and the class 10 exams will be conducted by the second week of August 2021.

Senior officials of the board had earlier announced that a decision will be taken regarding the exam date, the duration of the exam and the format of the exams by June 2, 2021. Officials have stated that the schedule for the exams will be announced today after a meeting and a decision as to which subjects the exams should be conducted will be taken along with the dates and duration of the exams.

CBSE class 12 Exams cancelled

The state governments which earlier announced the postponement of the class 12 exams are now reconsidering the opinion due to the CBSE announcing the cancellation of the class 12 examinations. The CBSE had earlier announced the cancellation of the class 10 exams while the class 12 exams were postponed. In a meeting conducted yesterday by the Prime Minister, it was announced that the exams will be cancelled and the students will be evaluated based on an evaluation scheme set by the board.


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